
2016 Financial Resolutions

Every year we make plans to start the New Year with a clean slate, or with new goals. Maybe you want to shed a few pounds, start a new course, or open a business; but have you ever thought about your long-term goals maybe a new car, house, a dream vacation, retirement. Planning for the future starts now and the New Year is a great time to overhaul your financial life for the better. One excellent place to start is […]

Getting Financially Fit!

Many of our citizens spend a great deal of time and energy on becoming physically fit, which is an admirable quality. Of equal importance is the need to become financially fit and to maintain that fitness over various life stages. We encourage you to avail yourself of all of the tools necessary to ensure that your goals become a reality. Here are some tips for you to consider to improve your financial well-being: Young adult (Ages: 17 – 21) Map […]

Roadmap to Financial Security – Guide to Saving

Note to self – ‘Money does not grow on trees’. It is the one thing I’m sure most, if not all of us, has heard at some point in our lives.  Knowing how to secure your financial well-being is one of the most important things you will ever need in life. No matter how much or little money you have, the important thing is to educate yourself about your opportunities. No one can guarantee that you’ll make money from investments. […]

Investing 101 Part 2

Last time we discussed the basics for deciding what the best investment fit is for you and your objectives for investing. The following article will help guide your process for establishing an investment option.  It is now time to visit a registered financial advisor/broker. The first question that you must ask yourself is “which investment product(s) should I use?” Warren Buffet, famous philanthropist and one of the world’s richest men always says “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket” […]