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International Women’s Day 2018- #PressforProgress

IWD 2018

International Women’s Day is celebrated every year on March 8th. It is a global day that highlights and encourages the celebration of the social, economic, political and cultural achievements of women the world over. This year the theme for International Women’s Day is “Press for Progress”. There is a strong global momentum striving for gender parity following the World Economic Forum’s 2017 Global Gender Gap Report findings telling us that gender parity is over 200 years away. Two hundred years is a long time to wait for change. We encourage you to take that first step towards change today and #PressforProgress!


How do you press for progress in securing your financial future? We encourage you to take part in our #PressforProgressTT Challenge.

  • Post a picture of yourself holding any one of our three #PressforProgress selfie cards on the TTSEC Facebook page. Use the Hashtag #PressforProgressTT in your posts.
  • Encourage your family and friends to like and share your post.


#PressforProgressTT Challenge #1

I will Influence the beliefs and actions of others.

I will encourage others to educate themselves on the importance of saving and investing.

Sometimes all it takes is a little encouragement from others. The first step towards saving is first differentiating our needs from our wants and ensuring that our needs are met before satisfying our wants. Try to cut back on unnecessary spending. A little saved today can secure your tomorrow.

Save to invest! #PressforProgressTT! Visit www.investucatett.com for more financial tips.









#PressforProgressTT Challenge #2

I will celebrate women’s achievements.

I will celebrate women achieving their financial goals.

Why not celebrate each other? Your acheivement today can be encouragement towards achieving my own financial goals. Try mapping out your financial goals. What do you you want to achieve? What are you saving towards? A new house? A new car? Furthering your education? Whatever your financial goals, celebrate the women around you and yourself as well. #PressforProgressTT!

Image result for girls graduating

#PressforProgressTT Challenge #3

I will press for progress.

I will press for progress by making a positive change in my financial habits.

Budgeting can be the first step towards financial change. Starting a budget can help you manage your money properly. Save for emergencies. Try saving at least three to six month’s salary for emergencies. You can start off by saving the equivalent of one month and then working your way up. Having a savings pool puts you at a financial advantage in the event of any unforeseen circumstances. There are many investment options out there. Before making any investment decisions, consult a registered investment adviser to find out the investment options that are right for you. Do your research. Visit the Trinidad and Tobago Securities and Exchange Commission’s website www.ttsec.org.tt for a list of securities, broker-dealers and investment advisers that are registered with the TTSEC.