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How to stick to those wise money habits

Some of us always had that intention to save more but never quite got around to planning how it’s all going to get done. Some of us actually start our ‘cutting back on expenses’ drive very admirably, but then eventually fall off the wagon and other things take priority.

Often we tend to embark on an action without proper planning or set goals which help to guide and motivate our habits. The reality is, there are going to be obstacles that will prevent us from achieving our financial goals. It is therefore our responsibility to ensure we put the right measures in place to secure our financial future.

Here are some quick tips to help you make your money habits stick. 

  • Focus on the Big picture
  • Make your habits a ‘Do list’, rather than a ‘Don’t list’
  • Set up cues to remind you of your habit
  • Consistency is key – so remove roadblocks before they occur
  • Encourage others to join you


Another good idea is to prepare a budget and keep it simple.

  • Fixed Expenses
  • Variable Expenses
  • Non-Necessities


And when in doubt this infographic can help break things down for you and your children.


Wise saving and investing starts with you. Ensure you educate yourself about saving and investing options and always consult a registered financial advisor or investment adviser before making any financial decisions. Visit www.ttsec.org.tt to see if your investment adviser is registered with the TTSEC.