Mind Your Money – Your Rights as an Investor

Investing your money for the first time is a big step. While there are legitimate avenues for investing your money you must also be aware that there are also  scams, con artists, and improper investment procedures all aimed at taking your hard-earned money, and if you’re not careful you may become a victim.  You ultimately have the right to know where your money is, who is looking after it and how accessible it is to you. As an investor or […]

Guidelines for Wise Investing

So you’ve saved enough to start investing and you’re about to explore the securities industry. Great! But you need to know a few things before you jump right in. In addition to practicing the basics: consulting with a registered financial advisor, and conducting research to ensure that the company and the security are registered with the Trinidad and Tobago Securities and Exchange Commission (TTSEC), here’s a guide to help you start investing ‘like a boss’. 1.  Keep It Simple. Those […]

Overcoming Obstacles to Saving for Retirement

We’ve all said it, “tomorrow I’ll get to that”, or “maybe next week or next month when I’m not so busy and have a little extra cash”, but time passes on by and we never get to that one thing we’ve been avoiding – saving for our retirement. Here are some of the obstacles to saving that we may identify with: Procrastinating – delaying savings or putting savings off for another time. Check√ Poor Spending Habits – includes spending on […]

Tips for Investing in challenging economic times

An economic downturn usually makes people more aware of the importance of saving and spending their money wisely.  Here are a few tips you can adopt to help you manage your money wisely during such periods.  Pay off your debt The repayment of debt is the best investment you can ever make. A downturn in the economy means fewer job opportunities, wage cuts, and rising unemployment. In order to protect yourself, it is wise to repair your personal balance sheet. […]